Saturday, 29 November 2014

Island Minister appointed

The Scottish Government have appointed Derek Mackay MSP as the first ever Islands Minister. This is a welcomed commitment to the islands and demonstrates the high importance that the Scottish islands are to the Scottish Government.

Derek Mackay is well known to the three island councils with his extensive work on the Our Islands Our Future campaign and the installation of an Islands minister was one of the commitments made during that campaign called Empowering Scottish Islands.

SNP Councillor Gordon Murray stated: "This is an excellent new ministerial post that shows the Scottish Government's commitment to the Western Isles..

We hope that the Western Isles Council will warmly welcome the new post and also the new minister in this series of meetings. "

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Campaign for an Island Living Wage continues

The Western Isles Council's political administration is at odds over a living wage for the poorest paid employees.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Pensions and the legacy of a No vote

It is sad to see Westminster treat pensioners so badly as the UK State pension is now the lowest in the developed world.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

An open letter to Angus Campbell regarding electricity prices

Dear Angus,


Please can I ask if there has been any partnership or collaborative working between three islands councils and highland council with regards to the pricing differential of supplying electricity to the Highlands and Islands applied by SSE.


If not, can I urge such an initiative to put forward a case on behalf of every household in the Highlands and Islands by each local authority and for this to be prioritised as a matter of urgency.


Fuel poverty levels in the outer Hebrides are at an unacceptable level and lowering the costs of electricity would be a step in the right direction in addressing the problem,


I look forward to hearing from you,


Best wishes,
