Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Budget update - SNP fight against 4.79% council tax rise

Western Isles council SNP group tried to protect families across the western isles by opposing a 4.79% council tax rise at the annual budget setting meeting but were defeated by the council leader and his allies.

Friday, 15 February 2019

Crofting should return to its original values

Western Isles council SNP group leader , Councillor Gordon Murray has welcomed the Scottish Affairs committee event on crofting to be held on Monday 18th February in Stornoway.

Cllr Murray stated: “The future of crofting is in a very precarious place notwithstanding the uncertainty over Brexit which I am sure will dominate discussions when the Scottish Affairs Committee meets in Stornoway next week.”

“Crofting was traditionally a system of small-scale food production founded on socialist principles of common working communities or townships but is now prone to the worst kinds of capitalist speculation with tenancies priced well beyond the reach of many, especially the young,  in the community expressing a wish to become crofters and work the land.”

“I would urge the committee to discuss the market prices of the tenancies of crofts and whether capping the price of a croft would encourage a new generation of crofters.

“In terms of land use, I would also encourage the committee to discuss ways of promoting  other methods of using crofts such as crop production. There are many possibilities with the emergence of polycrubs and other innovative ways of crop production such as Aquaponics. There seems to be many crofts lying in a state of disuse and tenants need to be encouraged to make full use, where possible , of the land. Food production will come to the fore as the Brexit process starts to make an impact.”

“It may be the time to start looking at Crofting cooperatives and markets given the potential tariffs that may result in the withdrawal from the single market.”

“I very much look forward to the outcomes of these discussions  considering the huge importance crofting has in terms of the Hebrides.”