Thursday, 23 December 2021

Members blocked in asking questions of monitoring officer - Crisis in democracy

 At a special meeting of the Comhairle today (Wednesday 22nd December), incredibly councillors were blocked from asking questions.

SNP group leader, Cllr Gordon Murray commented : “it is very disappointing to be blocked from asking questions at a council meeting. We have just gone through a painful investigation process in terms of the Lews Castle project and you would think that scrutiny is something to be embraced and not closed down. We are in a very bad place in terms of how members can scrutinise reports and ask questions after today. ”

Members who voted to block questions:

Cllr Norman Macdonald (Convenor)

Cllr Roddie Mackay (Leader)

Cllr Angus Morrison (Chair of audit and scrutiny)

Cllr Uisdean Robertson ( Chair of Transportation )

Cllr Donald Crichton ( Chair of Sustainable Development)

Cllr Kenny John Macleod (Chair of Communities and Housing)

Cllr Finlay Stewart

Cllr Norrie T Macdonald

Cllr Alasdair Macleod

Cllr Angus McCormack

Cllr Keith Dodson 

Cllr John Mackay 

Cllr Neil Mackay

Councillors who voted for openness and transparency

Cllr Calum Macmillan

Cllr Iain Macneil

Cllr Roddy Mackay

Cllr Iain M Macleod 

Cllr John Mitchell

Cllr Ranald Fraser

Cllr Calum Maclean

Cllr Rae Mackenzie 

Cllr Gordon Murray

Cllr John N Macleod

Cllr Kenny Macleod 

Cllr Iain M Macaulay

Reaction will follow.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Councillors get opportunity to question monitoring officer in Lews Castle investigation

 A special meeting has been called and will take place tomorrow (Wed 22 December) which will give elected representatives another chance to hear from the monitoring officer and ask him questions.

SNP Group leader, Cllr Gordon Murray stated: “This is a great opportunity to get a legal perspective on what went wrong after questions were closed down by the Convenor in a surprising move  at the last full council ( near the end, last item)

“we hope that questions will be allowed otherwise more questions will be raised in terms of openness and transparency on such an important issue.”

Friday, 3 December 2021

Residents of Tong Road petition the council

Growing concerns over speeding cars on Tong Road has prompted residents to take action and petition the council on the issue.

Tong Road resident, Jan Sancroft has collected a number of signatories and has presented the petition to her local councillor, Cllr Gordon Murray to give to the council on their behalf.

Mrs Sancroft said: "For several years I've been asking Cllr Murray to  have the police and council take some kind of action regarding the complete lack of regard drivers have for the residents of the Tong Rd in terms of safety and well being. Nothing has been done to calm the traffic despite Cllr Murray's effortts. The petition is our last resort. We as residents and taxpayers are entitled to live in a safe environment

On receiving the petition, Cllr Murray stated: " I have brought the concerns of the Tong Road residents  to the council's attention and suggested traffic calming measures for a number of years  but nothing has been implemented and the residents have become frustrated with the lack of action given the dangers. A petition was arranged and shows the depth of feeling on this issue and I have passed the petition to the chair of the Transportation and Infrastructure committee, Cllr Uisdean Robertson on behalf of my constituents."

The petition states:
Tong Road residents are fed up with the speed that many vehicles drive at when going through Tong Road. It is dangerous for pedestrians, especially the elderly and parents with buggies on the pavement ot have cars flying past at high speeds. We, the undersigned, petition the Comhairle to put traffic calming measures in place such as a permanent Speed Indicator Device (SID) and rumble strips or other traffic calming measures as soon as possible."

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Comhairle nan Eilean SNP group welcome Scottish Government funding for local bridges

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar SNP Group have warmly welcomed the announcement by the Scottish Government that the Comhairle will receive £6.6 million out of a national fund of £32 million - the highest allocation for a local authority.

Group leader, Cllr Gordon Murray started: "This is a huge boost to our infrastructure in terms of local bridge maintenance and we are grateful to the Scottish Government and Kate Forbes in particular for the much needed allocation. However, special thanks go to our MSP, Dr Alasdair Allan, who campaigned vigorously for this funding even being cited in the Finance minister's budget speech earlier this year. "

Bernera resident and Prospective Council SNP candidate, Angus Macdonald  for the new Sgire Uige agus Carlabhagh ward welcomed the completion of the construction saying “It has been a long drawn out process, with delays to the timeline, however the contractors and engineers must be congratulated for bringing this lifeline link to completion. The islanders and businesses affected by the weight restriction on the old bridge must also be congratulated for their patience over the affected period. We look forward to normal access to the island resuming over the next few days, and also look forward to the new picnic area and information boards being completed in ample time for next year’s tourist season.”

Photo : Angus Macdonald, prospective SNP council candidate for Sgire Uige and Carlabhagh and Dr Alasdair Allan MSP