Wednesday 8 January 2014

Hidden energy costs Scots have to pay to preserve English scenery

The following bulletin is an item regarding the path of a proposed route for grid electricity pylons in the South of England.

Most of the oath is underground which has incurred the wrath of the locals with objections and support from some MPs. The National Grid has decided to listen and respond to people's concerns and is in the process of making changes before submitting the final application.

It is absolutely shocking that this debate in England is succeeding with the support of MPs and others are to carry the costs , the huge additional costs, to be added to every consumers bill. 

It will particularly rankle with those who live alongside the new Beauly-Denny 400kV transmission circuit that is being built at the moment and those who took the brave decision against much opposition regarding the sight of pylons next to beauty spots. That overhead has no under grounding and travels through the Cairngorms and close to the Wallace Monument and Stirling Castle.

Why are Scots having to foot the bill for the south of England? There seems to be a lack of parity.

Are there more hidden costs in bills that are avoidable such as this? 

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