Saturday 15 February 2014

Bid to save Barra flights by SNP thwarted by Council Administration

A move by SNP councillors John A Maciver and Kenny Macleod to try and get the Comhairle to reinstate the Barra-Benbecula air service was blocked by the Council administration on Thursday.

The SNP Group have fought for the flights since they were axed but sadly, the Comhairle administration supposedly representing the whole of Outer Hebrides would not consider it.

Councillor John A Maciver commented:

"It is disappointing that at a time when there is a great deal of effort going on to gain more Independence for our Islands, in the Our Islands our Future Campaign, we are not able to support the Barra to Benbecula air service.

Surely the needs and concerns of our own people should be paramount and that includes all our Islands. Sadly this does not seem to involve the good folk of Barra and Vatersay.

At a time when the Boundaries Commission are looking at reorganising Boundaries, and there is a desire to reduce the number of Councillors, maybe it is time, as has been suggested in some quarters already, for the people of Barra and Vatersay to go elsewhere, ie Argyll and Bute, given their Hisroric connections to Oban. 

I for one wouldn't blame them even if it did mean our financial support being cut by the reduction in Population due to such an outcome!"

Those who supported the reinstatement :

SNP GroupDonald Manford
Rae Mackenzie
Philip Maclean
John A Maciver
Kenny Macleod
Gordon Murray

David Blaney
Ronnie Mackinnon
Donnie Steele
Neil Beaton