Wednesday 13 December 2017

Proposals on corporate strategy

We, the Western Isles council SNP group, are pleased to bring forward proposals for consideration to the Comhairle's corporate strategy 2017-22.

This series of meetings may be the only opportunity to make contributions to the strategy, the group believe that only radical change can transform our islands rather than managing decline.

Councillor Donald Manford stated: we must learn to do things differently - we cannot continue do the same things and expect different outcomes. Our proposals will reconnect the islands and develop community empowerment beyond tokenism.

By setting up locality planning bodies with delegated powers across the Hebrides, we will support communities shape their own future.

Key proposals:
Line by line examination of council expenditure
Radical review of management structure
Democratic female representation
Transminch link
Create a research hub based around energy and engineering
Work with partners to achieve the relocation of some government administration functions to the Outer Hebrides
Reintroduction of itinerant teachers

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