Tuesday 5 November 2019

Cllr Manford speech on the Barra and Vatersay Community Campus

"I welcome this Report and, in particular, welcome it on behalf of the community of Barra & Vatersay and compliment the outstanding work which started in May which is before us today.
And compliment the impressive work started in May which is before us today. I also wish to compliment my ward members for their openness and commitment.

Now is a time for looking forward and building a legacy for our children and grandchildren.

It is clear this is a unique opportunity for Barra, not only in terms of health and education, but in terms of ​​economic development;​​social regeneration; and ​​investment.

Our decision, while aspirational, must also be based on a realism in relation to ​​funding, ​​provision of public services and ​​developments in community empowerment.

This proposal provides Barra & Vatersay with not only a new estate, but an expanded range of services delivered in a new way I believe that is sustainable.

The Report clearly shows that:

1. Place has been used to audit need and design services.

2. It supports all community aspirations for a critical range of services supported by the Comhairle, NHS and Scottish Government.

3. It is aspirational not only for Barra & Vatersay but as a model for wider application in rural communities.

4. It has momentum and will happen to an agreed TT.

5. It challenges us all in terms of:

· Public, Private and Third Sector partnerships

· It requires collaboration at all levels in all processes

It presents a vision based on a clear practical framework, supported by Scottish Government.

It leaves much to do.

The options are clear and the evaluation of these are consistent with our preferred outcomes:

· Expanded service

· Efficiently managed and delivered

· Catalyst for our social and economic future.

I welcome this report.