Saturday 8 August 2020

Panic stations (or Don’t panic, don’t panic!)

 When Rishi Sunak announced £30 Billion in his emergency  Summer Statement, the Scottish Finance Secretary Kate Forbes immediately said that the consequentials for Scotland actually amounted to tens of millions not the “ hundreds of millions” (some said £800million) claimed by the Tories. She was immediately at the end of a barrage of accusations from the Scottish Tories,MPs, MSPs and supporters who even accused  her of being “ dishonest, failing to be open and factual when talking about our nations finances”.

One week later the Institute for Fiscal Studies ( IFS) confirmed that she had been right all along.
Then Boris arrived on Thursday for his flying visit, apparently in panic mode, to claim “that the Union has never been stronger”. ( With the polls showing the Yes support is now at 54%!).