Wednesday 17 February 2021

SNP group propose amendment to Comhairle budget 2020-21

The SNP group proposes the following amendment to the budget 2021-22

1) increase roads maintenance allocation to counter the reduction in budgets of previous years, to maintain the road capping to shed moisture, to protect carriageway substrata, to allocate these additional monies on a 60:40 (Lewis and Harris/Uist and Barra) basis of a provision of £300,000 to be financed by £300,000 of money saved on loan charges in 2020-21.

2) to meet the undisputed need for school children to participate in outdoor exercises and sports activities all year round and to provide a much needed community resource, the council provide a MUGA at Stornoway Primary at a cost of £350,000 to be financed by prudential borrowing from the mainland travel budget underspend.

3)to provide a dental chair in Taigh Cridhe Uille Naobh by making a ring-fenced contribution to the IJB Budget specifically for TCUN Dental facility within the surgery space at Taighe Cridhe Uille Naobh, to establish local provision of dental care and to embed dental provision within the care home at the Health and Well-being Hub in Daliburgh, ring fenced provision to IJB of £50,000 to be financed by money saved on loan charges in 2020-21

4) to meet the vital need to provide a long stated aim of the council to link all of the Western Isles for all those living and working in the Western Isles that the Comhairle  reinstate the concessionary fares in the sound of Barra and sound of Harris crossings at a cost of £10,000 financed from savings made on the mainland travel budget of 2020-21

5) to support abattoirs in Uist and Barra to assist the quality assured production of local supply into the food chain to facilitate producers in Uist and Barra having a croft to customer product, provision of £40,000 financed from savings made on the mainland travel budget of 2020-21

6) to allow carers at Ardseileach more time to support the residents with special needs by freeing them of domestic cleaning duties that financial provision be provided by allocating £50,000 to employ additional staff to undertake cleaning duties at Ardseileach to be financed by savings from the building cleaning contracts of 2020-21

7) to allow the council to facilitate good communication with its employees particularly on health and safety matters at this difficult time the council not proceed with the cut of Union representation at £17,000 to be financed by underspends in the staff budget of 2020-21

Proposer : Cllr Gordon Murray

Seconder : Cllr Calum Macmillan