Comhairle nan Eilean
Siar was no different and the process started eight months
before when the directors of each department in the Comhairle
offered up their suggestions for budget savings.
Encouraged many times
by Comhairle leader Angus Campbell to provide alternatives to these harsh decisions, the SNP
group set to task creating an alternative budget that would take into
consideration the public consultations balanced against making the
savings required.
Public consultation up
and down the Hebrides were well-attended with a number of key issues
re-occurring as important to the communities:
- the Barra – Benbecula Air Service;
- the role of the specialist teacher;
- asymmetric week;
- community transport.
It became evident that
at each consultation meeting these issues were at the heart of the
community and were uniting the community in their condemnation of
withdrawing these services.
In November, the SNP
group published its commitment to saving vital frontline services
(Hebrides News).
Having listened to the community, and following many representations on these issues, the SNP Group felt that using surplus contingencies to fund these vital services ensured that vulnerable people would not feel the brunt of the cuts.
Having listened to the community, and following many representations on these issues, the SNP Group felt that using surplus contingencies to fund these vital services ensured that vulnerable people would not feel the brunt of the cuts.
The Comhairle seemed to
find new money in terms of council tax rebates, as well as new Scottish
government cash, and this lowered the savings target. Even up until
the last fortnight, new money was found to lower the target amount
that had to be found.
The week leading up to
the Budget setting on 14th February, the SNP group again made it very
clear to all committees the cuts and savings they would wish to
avoid, reiterating the position they had made way back in November
and bolstered by the fact that the community agreed with them.
The Comhairle
administration produced their budget at the Policy and Resource
meeting on the morning of the 14th – the final budget agreed by the
administration. The SNP then produced their amendment to the budget
one hour afterwards.
The Comhairle was
presented with an alternative budget at full council at 4pm. The SNP
Budget wanted to:
- retain the full complement of specialist teachers;
- fully fund Action for Children;
- not introduce the Asymmetric week;
- keep Lionel head teacher;
- protect ASN Support;
- not change any school transport contracts;
- maintain full funding for Penumbra;
- retain all Union representation;
- retain the Southern Isles air services, community transport and more...
To fund this, the SNP
Group proposed to use the surplus money from a windfall BCCI dividend and
an extra £1 million from prudent financial management. Contingencies
of £3 million, as was recommended, would be left untouched.
The SNP group also
wanted to start the process of redesign and restructure as it was
felt in the consultations that the organisation was top heavy with
senior management. This would make large savings.
The SNP group also suggested “Homeworking” – where council employees would be given the opportunity to work from home and thus cut down in office costs and administration. This could realise at least 30% savings in office costs.
The SNP group also suggested “Homeworking” – where council employees would be given the opportunity to work from home and thus cut down in office costs and administration. This could realise at least 30% savings in office costs.
The Comhairle now
decided on which budget to vote for. The Comhairle voted 24-6 on
cutting lifeline services to the Southern Isles / cutting community
Transport, again crucial in the Southern Isles / retaining
specialists until June 2013 and then probably to be cut due to
halfing their budget /taking away the head teacher at Lionel /
cutting union representation that protects workers right at a time
when workers need protection.
Members that supported
specialist teachers / Southern Isles air services / Community
Transport / retaining a headteacher in Lionel / not introducing the
assymetric week were:
- Rae Mackenzie (SNP)
- Gordon Murray (SNP)
- Donald Manford (SNP)
- Philip Maclean (SNP)
- John A Maciver (SNP)
- Kenny Macleod (SNP)
- Donald John Macrae (Labour).
The group feels this is a fair reflection of what
the community felt was important such as protecting the vulnerable ,
investing in our young in terms of sport, music and art and
maintaining lifeline transport links whether it be community
transport or the Barra/Benbecula-Stornoway air service.