Confusion reigns within the council ruling
group as more councillors try to distance themselves from the consequences of
their atrocious decisions. They try and
claim that "scoring exercises" done last year absolve them from their
worst actions.
There is one, and one only, decision-making
forum for deciding the council's budget at that was, 14th February 2013 at
4:00pm. This is enshrined in democratic
law and is to be done in public. This is
where all 31 elected councillors should make their choices. Whatever desperate
excuses are given, 6 councillors voted to save the air service and 24 voted to
axe it, that is the simple inescapable reality.
Any arrangements or deals entered into
beforehand, threatens this fundamental democratic requirement.
If any councillor secured themselves to a
decision before that, they were extremely badly advised.
This could suggest the decision-making
chamber is an expensive gathering of lawyers, accountants, chief officers and
31 councillors for a rubber stamping exercise, in short a democratic sham.
Donald Manford.