Friday, 19 July 2013

Scottish Government Housing Minister visit

The SNP group of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar welcomes the news that the Scottish Government have announced an additional 650k towards the building of new houses in the Western Isles.

This comes after the visit to the Islands by Margaret Burgess MSP, (Minister for Housing), who met with the SNP Group, other Council members and officials along with representatives from HHP during her stay.

At this meeting with the SNP group on the Cpomhairle she was made aware of the difficulties that exist in the Islands in delivering projects due to the extra costs and that more funding was desperately needed because of this.

The SNP group urged her to try and address these issues on her return to Edinburgh.

We are delighted with her prompt actions and the fact that she listened to the arguments, put to her by all concerned, and although we believe that more is needed we are pleased that there is recognition of our different circumstances in the Islands.

We thank Mrs Burgess for her efforts.