Monday, 16 June 2014
Yes vote guarantees 100% crown estate revenues to western isles
Today saw the launch of the prospectus for Our Islands Our Future and the culmination of the hard work done by the three island council leaders and Derek Mackay MSP, Scottish Minister for Local Government and Planning in the Scottish government.
SNP Councillor John A. Maciver, present at the launch of the prospectus, was delighted with the announcement from the First Minister that 100% of Crown Estates revenue would be retained in our Islands.
"This is fantastic news. We had hoped for 80% but to get 100% is excellent. This would mean that after a YES vote in the referendum, income from our coastlines such as our huge marine renewable energy potential will be kept in the islands rather than going down to UK Treasury, which happens at present.
"Only a Yes vote in September will allow us to reap all the benefits of our vast resources."