Concerns about equity of provision of PE, Art and Music
were voiced strongly in the budget setting meeting of the Western Isles Council
by the SNP Group.
The group have continually opposed cuts to the specialist
teachers and value their contribution to the all round education of children in
the authority.
Councillor Gordon Murray said: "How can the transfer
of the current group of itinerant teachers onto supply teaching be guaranteed
to work in schools day to day and deliver equity of provision."
"I commend the education department for investing in
this provision for many years and we can see through a fantastic and dynamic
music scene and excellent sporting achievements being the fruits of that
investment. However, most councillors did not feel it was a priority and voted
to withdraw that investment in our youth. I feel it lets down our young people
and lessens the opportunities I had when I was in school and we should be going
forward and improving not going backwards - children have lost out."
Those who voted to cut to cut specialist teaching
completely from schools:
Norman Macdonald (convenor), Angus Campbell (leader),
Donnie Steele, Charlie Nicolson, iain mackenzie, angus McCormack, iain
Macaulay, Zena Stewart, Alasdair Macleod, Norman Macleod, John Mackay, Ali
maclennan, Cudig Macleod, angus Morrison, Catherine Macdonald, Catriona
Stewart, donald Crichton, Neil Beaton, Uisdean Robertson, Ronnie MacKinnon,
Andrew walker, Dj MacRae
Those who voted to save the specialist (itinerant)
Gordon Murray, rae mackenzie, donald Manford, Kenny
Macleod, John a Maciver