Friday, 16 September 2016

Council inter island air service policy "up in the air"

During the Budget setting in 2013 when the option to cut the air services between Stornoway and the Southern Isles was considered, the SNP Group fought to save these air services  and moved to save all the flights. Despite their efforts  the Council did not support them and reduced the flights to 3 days a week to Benbecula, and cancelled all flights to Barra.

Having voted against the SNP Group motion 3 years ago it seems incredible that the Council is now employing consultants, at a cost of £10000 apparently,to advise them on supplying a 5 day air service between Stornoway and Benbecula.

Note. When the SNP group representatives spoke to the Scottish Parliament petition committee it was pointed out that the Western Isles Council -practically at their inception-nearly 40 years earlier, had made it a priority to ensure that ALL the islands were linked by air and that this link was being broken for the first time.

Despite the agreement at Transportation in March, it appears that the consultation relates ONLY to Benebcula and does not include Barra contrary to the decision.