Comhairle nan Eilean SNP Group have welcomed the investment in Stornoway Primary of £1.95 million for improving the sporting and recreational opportunities for the children.
SNP Group leader, Cllr Gordon Murray said:" This investment is welcomed by the community and will hopefully improve the play for the children of Stornoway Primary. The Group have consistently fought for increasing the area for children to play throughout the Western Isles and will continue to do so and supported an excellent amendment by Cllrs Malcolm Macdonald and George Murray to protect the playing area being reduced even further by the Comhairle.but that amendment lost 15-12"
"The original proposal by the SNP Group of 2,400 m (squared) - a 60m x 40m all-weather pitch was rejected last year at a cost of £400k. This proposal that was made by the chair of education, Cllr Paul Finnegan of 598 m (squared) at a price of £1.95 million is a quarter of the playing area at almost five times the price. We look forward to the facility being absolute top quality given the price per square metre."
How the councillors voted on the amendment not to reduce the playing area :
Voted against amendment
Cllr Kenny Macleod (Conevnor)
Cllr Paul Steele (Leader)
Cllr Duncan Macinnes
Cllr Angus McCormack
Cllr Norrie T Macdonald
Cllr Finlay Stewart
Cllr Donald Crichton
Cllr Mustapha Hocine
Cllr Uisdean Robertson
Cllr Paul Finnegan
Cllr Angus Morrison
Cllr Donald Macsween
Cllr Robert Mackenzie
Cllr Kenneth J Maclean
Cllr Iain M Macleod
Voted for amendment
Cllr Malcolm Macdonald
Cllr George Murray
Cllr Gordon Murray
Cllr Frances Murray
Cllr John A Maciver
Cllr Rae Mackenzie
Cllr Susan Thomson
Cllr Calum Maclean
Cllr John N Macleod
Cllr Ranald Fraser
Cllr Iain M Macaulay
Cllr Grant Fulton