Amendment to council:
Proposer : Cllr Malcolm Macdonald Seconder : Cllr George Murray
that the Comhairle wishes to maximise the benefit of the much-welcomed new sports facility at Stornoway Primary and recognising the need to fully offset the negative impact of COVID on the recreational and sporting opportunities for pupils at Stornoway Primary makes provision for a four court facility with the addition of an extra bay at a total estimated project cost of £2.14 million and that the estimated additional cost of £190k be met from the underspend of £717k in the Education, Skills and Children's Services Department for 2021-22 as reported by the Head of Accountancy and Exchequer Services to the Policy and Resources Committee on 22nd June
Voted against :
Cllr Kenny Macleod (Conevnor)
Cllr Paul Steele (Leader)
Cllr Duncan Macinnes
Cllr Angus McCormack
Cllr Norrie T Macdonald
Cllr Finlay Stewart
Cllr Donald Crichton
Cllr Mustapha Hocine
Cllr Uisdean Robertson
Cllr Paul Finnegan
Cllr Angus Morrison
Cllr Donald Macsween
Cllr Robert Mackenzie
Cllr Kenneth J Maclean
Cllr Iain M Macleod
Voted for
Cllr Malcolm Macdonald
Cllr George Murray
Cllr Frances Murray
Cllr \Gordon Murray
Cllr Rae Mackenzie
Cllr John A Maciver
Cllr Susan Thomsom
Cllr Calum Maclean
Cllr Iain M Macaulay
Cllr Ranald Fraser
Cllr John N Macleod
Cllr Grant Fulton