Dear Mr Burr,
Please thank Mr Donald Macleod for his letter dated 22nd March 2022, titled “Proposed Sports Development at Stornoway Primary School”.
As a parent, I was delighted that in December 2021, the Comhairle finally voted to secure funding of £1.8 million to support the development of a new sports facility at Stornoway Primary.
However, although it is a significant investment in the school, it is an investment that has been needed for quite a number of years and one that we would have liked to have seen sooner.
When the decision was made to invest in a new facility several groups were set up for consultative purposes and this was very encouraging. However, they have asked for prices of different sizes of arena from 60mx40m similar to the Back facility to different eight-court facilities. This has not been forthcoming and that is why I now request that you arrange for the relevant costings to provided to the parent council at this time.
I know that everybody involved in the project wants to maximise the benefit for the whole school community.
I am sending a copy of this letter to all members of the Stornoway Primary Parent Council.
Thanks for your help in this matter,
Best wishes,
Gordon Murray