A bid by two SNP councillors to stop the Comhairle taking croft tenancies into consideration when assessing for care was foiled at the Sustainable Development committee this week.
Cllr Gordon Murray had requested a notice of motion with Cllr John A Maciver so that the issue could be debated when the report was presented at a later committee.
Cllr Murray and Cllr Rae Mackenzie put forward the amendment to have a report on crofting and care charges but the committee rejected the amendment.
After the meeting, Cllr Murray stated: "Although this committee has rejected it, we have another chance to get this very important issue on the agenda. This will be coming up at full council on Wednesday 28th September. We would urge members of the public, who believe the practice of taking croft tenancies off families to pay for care should be stopped, contact their councillor and support us in at least having the debate and getting a report to a future meeting."