Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Is this a council decision or just the appearance of one?

March 2013


Transportation Committee of 20 March 2013 resolved to note that… the three bus service contracts serving Laxdale School and the Nicolson Institute shall not be tendered after April 2014 unless all required road safety and traffic management improvements have been implemented.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Better late than never ......

The Western Isles council SNP group welcome the late arrival of councillor Angus McCormack to a disgraceful issue facing islanders almost a year after Angus Brendan Macneil first raised it in the House of Commons.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Statement from Western Isles Council SNP Group on new ferry

The Western Isles Council SNP Group welcomes news of the investment in a new ferry for the Tarbert/Lochmaddy/Lochmaddy triangle.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Open letter to Derek Mackay regarding Uist turbines

In light of the recent decision by the Scottish Government minister Derek Mackay, Western Isles Council SNP Group leader councillor Donald Manford has written the minister highlighting the implications and consequences of his decision and to seek a way forward....

Monday, 13 October 2014

Open letter to Angus Campbell regarding the Living Wage

 Dear Angus,

At the last Budget Setting meetings in February this year, the SNP Group were delighted that your administration agreed with us that the Living Wage should be implemented.

Strengthening Local Democracy

SNP councillor for Stornoway North Gordon Murray welcomed the Comhairle's openness to devolving more powers from the local authority to communities.

Energy, ESCo and the Economy of the Hebrides part 2

At the recent committee series ending 2nd October 2014, there was a welcome discussion on the Energy Supply Company through a report presented to the Sustainable Development Committee. A concept which the SNP Group have been pushing the council to take control of the swathes of potential renewable energy and generate clean electricity at huge discounts for every household in the Outer Hebrides.