Monday, 13 October 2014

Strengthening Local Democracy

SNP councillor for Stornoway North Gordon Murray welcomed the Comhairle's openness to devolving more powers from the local authority to communities.

A paper in the recent Policy and Resource committee "Flexibility and Autonomy in Local Government", a paper reviewing a Scottish Government committee, Local Government and Regeneration Committee, assigned to review local government  made several conclusions that were "harmonious" with the Comhairle policy and outlook.

One conclusion was that "power should lie at the most appropriate level, whether community, Council or national."

Councillor Murray asked what discussions had taken place regarding devolving powers from the local authority to communities and if not, when would this happen. 

The Council administration responded that if communities were willing to come forward with ideas, these discussions would take place.

Councillor Murray stressed that the local authority, although considered small was actually five times the size of the average local authority in Europe and that devolving power from the Comhairle to communities was a good direction of travel and healthy for democracy.