Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Is this a council decision or just the appearance of one?

March 2013


Transportation Committee of 20 March 2013 resolved to note that… the three bus service contracts serving Laxdale School and the Nicolson Institute shall not be tendered after April 2014 unless all required road safety and traffic management improvements have been implemented.


April 2014


 Details of improvement works.

Site Location
Reason for Improvement
Estimated Costs
Progress at
18 August 2014
Craggan’s Corner/
Newvalley Junction
Footway provision does not extend far enough up Newvalley road to allow crossing away from vehicles manoeuvring at junction
Engineering team have started looking at the design of the corner at Craggans corner and hope to have a scheme in place (assuming no service issues), delivered for November.
Blackwater Housing /
A857 Junction
Lack of roadside footway along narrow bridge
Following a meeting with the local community group and the local Councillors from the Blackwater area it was agreed that the preferred route to the bus shelter would be through the community  park. Changes to the internal footpath layout with some funding assistance from the Comhairle is being carried out by the community, to make the access  more accessible. This is a much better option than accessing the road at the Blackwater bridge and will be less costly. This project is nearly complete.
Bayhead River near Bennadrove/Newvalley Junction
Single track bridge has no footpath provision
Looking at options to improve safety in the short term. We intend to have discussions with Stornoway Trust over the possibility of a timber structure to span the river beside the existing structure. The short term works can be delivered in September with any additional bridge works following.
Baker’s Road
Road is narrow and has no footway provision; verges are narrow with little step-off facilities
This is a small project which will be delivered in September /October using the Roads maintenance framework.
Benside – Bridge over Laxdale River
Road at bend and approaches to bridge has no footway provision; visibility is poor
This is a small project which will be delivered in September /October using the Roads maintenance framework.




 Are council decisions like the infamous "Vow" - promises and commitments unlikely to be honoured?