Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Renewable energy future in the Western Isles

With news of the predictable withdrawal of support for the islands interconnector by the UK Government

Depopulation statistics for the Western Isles

The depopulation statistics revealed earlier have projected a gloomy future for the islands unless there is a radical change.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Thanks for the support for ETV

Cllrs Rae Mackenzie and Gordon Murray would like to sincerely thank all those who signed the petition requesting an ETV to be stationed on the West coast.

Council inter island air service policy "up in the air"

During the Budget setting in 2013 when the option to cut the air services between Stornoway and the Southern Isles was considered, the SNP Group fought to save these air services  and moved to save all the flights. Despite their efforts  the Council did not support them and reduced the flights to 3 days a week to Benbecula, and cancelled all flights to Barra.

Call for Calmac to support island sports

Councillor Gordon Murray has raised the possibility of Caledonian Macbrayne supporting island sports clubs when travelling to the mainland for competitions.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Hillcrest gets amazing inspection report

The Care Inspctorate has published their report on Hillcrest Care Home Service run by Action for Children and the results have been excellent.

Top marks were awarded in all the categories such as :

Quality of care and support
Quality of environment
Quality of staffing
Quality of management

The SNP group have been consistent in their support for Hillcrest having defended it when the Comhairle have twice tried to reduce its funding. On hearing the news of the inspectorate, Cllr Rae Mackenzie stated:

"We welcome the excellent report from the Hillcrest Care Inspectorate confirming our group's position that Action for Children are excelling in their care for our most vulnerable young people at Hillcrest. The 100% score is a great achievement and we congratulate the staff.

Action for Children have experience, skills and the qualifications required and consistently meet the Scottish Social Service requirements with a proven track record. The Western Isles SNP Group recognise this and fought to save the service from the cuts put forward in the recent Budget setting meetings and will continue to oppose any attempt by the council administration to jeopardize this service."

Councillors who voted to protect Hillcrest :
Rae Mackenzie, Gordon Murray, Donald Manford, John A Maciver

Councillors who voted to cut funding to Hillcrest:
Dj MacRae, Charlie Nicolson, Norman Macdonald, angus Campbell, David Blaney, Uisdean Robertson, Andrew Walker, Donnie Steele, Ronnie Mackinnon, Neil Beaton, Catherine Macdonald, Donald Macleod, Angus Morrison, Zena Stewart, Norman Macleod, Alasdair Macleod, Angus Mccormack, Iain mackenzie, iain Macaulay, Catriona stewart, donald Crichton, john Mackay, Ali maclennan

Friday, 19 February 2016

Council Budget 2016 - Itinerant teachers

Concerns about equity of provision of PE, Art and Music were voiced strongly in the budget setting meeting of the Western Isles Council by the SNP Group.

Council Budget 2016 - Hillcrest

Having listened to the budget consultations, the SNP Group on the western Isles Council were disappointed that councillors did not support their amendment to oppose any future cut to Hillcrest.