Here are the amendments and the voting at the full council on Wednesday 7th February 2018
First amendment
Proposed by Councillor Nicolson Seconded by Councillor Rae Mackenzie
- that the Comhairle agree to approve £1.3m of prudential borrowing for investment in the infrastructure of Stornoway Primary and that there will be fullongoing consultation with the parent council through the newly established working group and that costs for the first two years be met from the additional £1.2m of funding announced on 31 January 2018 and that thereafter provision be made in the Comhairle's revenue estimates and that the balance of that additional £1.2m of funding and any additional funding agreed in the Scottish budget be set aside to support the overall Comhairle budget.
Votes for the amendment: (14 votes)
Cllr Charlie Nicolson
Cllr Rae Mackenzie (SNP)
Cllr Gordon Murray (SNP)
Cllr Donald Manford (SNP)
Cllr Calum Macmillan (SNP)
Cllr John G Mitchell (SNP)
Cllr Kenny Macleod (SNP)
Cllr Ranald Frser
Cllr John N Macleod
Cllr Finlay Stewart
Cllr Calum Maclean
Cllr Norman Macdonald
Cllr Norman A Macdonald (Convenor)
Cllr Iain Macaulay
Votes against the amendment (votes 15)
Cllr Roddie Mackay
Cllr Alasdair Macleod
Cllr Donald Crichton
Cllr Angus McCormack
Cllr Keith Dodson
Cllr Neil Mackay
Cllr Angus Morrison
Cllr Paul Finnegan
Cllr Finlay Cunningham
Cllr John Mackay
Cllr Kenny John Macleod
Cllr Uisdean Robertson
Cllr Roddy Mackay
Cllr Paul Steele
Cllr Iain M Macleod
Amendment fell.
Second amendment
Proposed by Councillor Gordon Murray Seconded by Councillor Calum Macmillan
- agrees the Budget Strategy for 2018/19 as set out in Sections 4,5 and 6 of the report by the Chief Executive and the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources subject to the Comhairle agreeing a programme of spend for the additional sum of £1.2m referred to in paragraph 2 as follows:
1) agree to £2m of prudential borrowing for refurbishment works at Stornoway Primary School at a cost of £160 per year over 20 years with the first three year costs to be met from the £1.2m and provision to be made in the revenue estimates thereafter
2) up to £500k be made available to the IJB to fund capital expenditure should the IJB resolve that the sum is required to support the ongoing Uist and Benbecula denatl service redesign
3) to maintain the fundi9ng to Lochmaddy and Barra Abattoirs for a further 5 years at a cost of £5k per year
4) a fund to be established to which one-off revenue proposals may be submitted by Ward members, to a maximum of £60K for Rural Lewis, to a maximum of £50K for Uist and benbecula, a maximum of £50K for barra and £35K for Harris in consultation with community councils and other relevant local bodies for 2018/19 and the Chief Executive submit areport on the operation of the fund to the meeting on 2 May 2018
5) notes that, as aprt of the budget process for 2017/18, the Director of Education and Children's services proposed a review of residential care for children and that the Comhairle agreed to this proposal on the basis that, as part of its approved budget for 2017/18 this proposal would realise savings of £360,000 predicated on an increase in foster carers and a reduction in mainland placements and agrees that the Director of Education and Children's Services be requested to bring forward a report to April/May 2018 series of meetings detailing the reasons that an additional £170k is required to address pressures wihitn the mainland placemenst budget
Votes for the amendment
Cllr Gordon Murray
Cllr Calum Macmillan
Cllr Donald Manford
Cllr John Mitchell
Cllr Rae Mackenzie
Cllr Kenny Macleod
Votes against amendment
Cllr Roddie Mackay
Cllr Norman Macdonald
Cllr Alasdair Macleod
Cllr Donald Crichton
Cllr Charlie Nicolson
Cllr Calum Maclean
Cllr Norman Macdonald
Cllr Uisdean Robertson
Cllr Iain M Macleod
Cllr Roddy Mackay
Cllr Paul Steele
Cllr Neil Mackay
Cllr Iain Macaulay
Cllr Angus McCormack
Cllr John Mackay
Cllr Kenny John Macleod
Cllr Ranald Fraser
Cllr Angus Morrison
Cllr Finlay Cunningham
Cllr Paul Finnegan
Cllr Finlay Stewart
Cllr Keith Dodson
John N Macleod