Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Assurances on Mobile Library Services

At the last meeting of the Communities and Housing committee, SNP Group leader, Gordon Murray raised the issue of the mobile library services and the disappointing situation where no decision had been made while vans run into a bad state of condition.

Councillor Murray asked for a report that would be brought forward on the service and asked for assurance that finance which was previously set aside for this service would not be taken away at the end of the financial year as is the normal course of action in unspent monies.

Councillor Murray stated:  "It is extremely disappointing that the mobile library service is not happening and that vans have not been secured.

"This serious lack of service has a disproportionate effect on the elderly and many other people in our more remote communities who rely on the library van service for their reading materials.

"The delay hits those that are unlikely to access alternatives such as ebooks and those who don't have all the right IT equipment.

"With large distances to travel, access to essential library services could now get harder for people who are unable or find it difficult to access the library in Stornoway.

"As a consequence of all these delays to address such issues to do with vehicle replacement, this service may yet be cut! Could we have reassurance the monies will be protected for this service as itwould send out a really bad to message to our rural communities if we lose our mobile library service. So it needs to be prioiritised."

Councillor Murray asked for a full report so that progress could be made and was delighted that Chair, Councillor Kenny John Macleod assured the committee that the money would not be lost to service based on verbal assurances that the leader had given in a previous MOWG (member officer working group).