Friday, 18 December 2020

Letter of thanks to chief executive , Scottish Futures Trust regarding deep water port

 Dear Mr Reekie,

We, the Comhairle nan Eilean SNP group, would like to thank you for your contribution to the exciting new infrastructure project in the Western Isles, the deep water terminal in Stornoway.

We recognise this is the culmination of a lot of hard work by the Stornoway Port Authority and in particular its chief executive Mr Alex Macleod and the Scottish Government along with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar in partnership with Scottish Futures Trust.

The creation of over 200 jobs in the Western Isles is greatly welcomed given the economic challenges facing us and your expert economic support and guidance has ensured that this becomes a reality.

Yours sincerely,
Cllr Gordon Murray 
Leader, Comhairle nan Eilean SNP Group

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

SNP group support Calmac staff and write to managing director

 Comhairle nan Eilean Siar SNP Group have written to Robbie Drummond, managing director of Calmac expressing their concern with the ongoing pay dispute and urging him to intervene and give the staff what they deserve in terms of a pay rise in line with inflation.

SNP group leader, Cllr Gordon Murray stated: “ I’ve written to Mr Drummond on behalf of the group asking him to personally intervene in this dispute which is grossly unfair to those working on such an important service to our islands.”

Cllr Murray continued : “ Calmac is such a vital employer and transport provider and for the Calmac board to be refusing even to discuss with the unions is quite irresponsible.”

“The staff who work at Calmac do a fantastic job in a lifeline service especially to the Outer Hebrides and our group recognises that and wants them to know that we support you.”

“We look for a speedy response and that workers through their unions are able to get the pay they deserve doing the great work they do.”

Letter to Mr Drummond 

Dear Mr Drummond,

I hope that you and your family are well during these challenging times.

I write to you in your position as managing director of Calmac with huge concerns over the ongoing pay dispute between Calmac and its staff.

I would urge you to personally intervene and ensure the staff get a pay rise in line with inflation as has been requested by their unions.

Please can you meet with the unions and resolve this situation as the ferry services are vital to the Hebrides not just as a transport provider but as a major employer. We have been so grateful for the exemplary service and professionalism of your staff over the years and none more so during this terrible pandemic.

I look forward to your response leading to a positive outcome ,

Yours sincerely,

Cllr Gordon Murray
Leader, Comhairle nan Eilean SNP group

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Comhairle reject “inappropriate” materials for schools


At a special meeting of the Comhairle on Monday night (30th November), the council voted 23-4 to reject the controversial RHSP material to be used to teach Personal and Social education in schools across the islands.

Cllr Calum Maclean (Loch a Tuath) proposed and seconded by Cllr Gordon Murray (Stornoway North)  put forward a motion to use materials that were being used by the Scottish Catholic Education Services with adjustments where appropriate.

After a long debate, a vote was taken and Cllr Maclean’s motion won by 23-4.

Cllr Maclean stated: “ “Some of the resources within the revised materials used in the teaching of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood are in my opinion most inappropriate for teaching in our schools and a significant number of parents, carers, faith groups and staff voiced their concerns to us. I am relieved that a significant number of Councillors were also of the same opinion and voted to reject these resources. Now that Western Isles Schools are to adopt these alternative resources, I feel that this will relieve these anxieties.”

Cllr Murray stated : “ I am delighted that the Comhairle has listened to the concerns of the community and dismissed these inappropriate materials. Thanks to all those who supported Cllr Maclean and myself in what was quite a fraught debate.”

Voted for Cllr Maclean’s motion
Cllr Calum Macmillan
Cllr Iain MacNeil
Cllr Paul Steele
Cllr Iain Macleod
Cllr Roddy Mackay
Cllr John Mitchell
Cllr Grant Fulton
Cllr Angus Morrison
Cllr Norman Macdonald (Convenor)
Cllr Ranald Fraser
Cllr Neil Mackay
Cllr Gordon Murray
Cllr Iain Macaulay
Cllr Rae Mackenzie
Cllr Charlie Nicolson
Cllr Keith Dodson
Cllr Finlay Stewart
Cllr John Mackay
Cllr Kenny J Macleod
Cllr Kenny Macleod
Cllr John N Macleod
Cllr Donald Crichton
Cllr Calum Maclean

Voted against Cllr Maclean

Cllr Angus McCormack
Cllr Roddie Mackay (Leader)
Cllr Alasdair Macleod
Cllr Norman T Macdonald 

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Routine testing for care workers needs to be rolled out says Cllr Gordon Murray

 Stornoway North councillor and leader of the Comhairle SNP group, Cllr Gordon. Murray has written to MSP Alasdair Allan asking him to urge the Scottish Government to implement routine testing for care workers.

Cllr Murray stated: “ I have had representations on this issue and there are huge concerns locally and nationally about testing for care workers.”

In his letter, Cllr Murray wrote:

“You will know that we have a large populace of those who need care and we are extremely grateful for the quality of care that is delivered every day by our care workers even in the most challenging times.

Yet care workers are not getting routinely tested even though they are in contact with our most vulnerable people, whether in care homes or when they visit multiple houses in a day through the home care service This is also a concern for carers who would not wish to be carrying the virus to any of their patients.

I would ask you to urge the Scottish Government to implement regular testing for our care workers as soon as possible so that these concerns are addressed.”

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

New Deputy leader for Comhairle SNP Group

 Comhairle nan Eilean Siar SNP Group are pleased to announce that Cllr Calum Macmillan is the new deputy leader of the group.

This comes after Harris and South Lochs Cllr John Mitchell decided to stand down for personal reasons..

Group leader, Cllr Gordon Murray stated:”Although very sad to see Cllr Mitchell step down, I am delighted to see Calum step up to the plate.”

“He is an excellent hard working councillor who is very able and experienced and it is great to have someone of his calibre as deputy leader.”

Councillor for Barra, Vatersay, Eriskay and South Uist, Calum Macmillan responded: “ I am looking forward to my new role in the group in very challenging times."

SNP Councillor raises the issue of housing for young islanders

 Councillor Rae Mackenzie hopes that the Comhairle will further discuss and review policy in retaining young islanders and helping them to purchase houses on the island.

At the last council, Cllr Mackenzie raised the question of people from outwith the islands buying up homes, many as holiday homes,  resulting in young locals unable to compete and communities becoming ghost villages.

Cllr Mackenzie stated : “I understand that this is a case of willing seller and willing buyer, and that huge council tax increases for second homes would not be a deterrent. Surely something could be done to provide help for young people living here- or young islanders wishing to return, to be assisted in some way..”

This led to an interesting discussion with a number of councillors taking part and suggesting that public bodies and grazing committees be approached to discuss the possibilities of providing land for this purpose..

Cllr Mackenzie added : “ It is crucial that we make it easier for our young to set up home here and do all we can as a local authority to facilitate that.”

CNES SNP Group supports calls for increased capacity in Skye interconnector

Comhairle nan Eilean SNP Group support the calls from Stornoway Community Council for a speedy resolution to the interconnector issue and to use this opportunity to increase the capacity to allow community turbines the chance to generate 24/7 rather than having to compete for space.

.Group leader, Cllr Gordon Murray stated : “ We wrote to SSE about increasing capacity of the Skye interconnector in February 2015. “

“Way back in 2010, SSE were ‘exploring with the National Grid to allow for additional generation to connect utilising the existing transmission circuit that connects the Western Isles via Skye..

“I sincerely hope that the Comhairle will take on board what the SNP group have been campaigning for years now and exercise their influence and make this additional capacity happen while the interconnector is getting repaired.”

“There would be massive benefits to the communities who need support in these challenging times.

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Open letter to HIAL : The future of technology in the Western Isles

 Dear Mr Lyon,


I write to you on behalf of the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar SNP Group to voice concerns over the pending decision to centralize the air traffic control towers in Stornoway and Benbecula and move them to Inverness Airport. As previously discussed, we have concerns with regards to the present and future economic impact this will have on our fragile communities. I have seen it reported that it will be a loss of £1.5 million which is an amount our communities can ill-afford at this particular time. 


Given the effects of the global pandemic, I would ask you and the board of HIAL to reconsider this move. Whatever savings that are realized through this move, the negative impact will be far worse. Investment in fragile rural communities have a much greater impact than in urban areas.


As you will understand, the key to transformational change in any community or locality is to develop a hi-tech economy through innovation. Our group believe that the Outer Hebrides is key in its strategic geographic position for the development of aeronautical and aerospace research and development. The Comhairle recently accepted proposals from the SNP group to undertake a cost/benefit analysis on research and development science hubs. By withdrawing the air traffic control towers, it could diminish this aspiration.


The Outer Hebrides has the potential of the Spaceport in the same locality, there is also the potential to use the real estate surrounding these communication hubs to build hi-tech parks similar to Aberdeen University which has a number of  technology hibss.


HIAL can play a major role in building a hi-tech / hi-wage economy throughout the Highlands and Islands but there must be commitment to do this in the rural areas and not just the urban ones.


I would urge you, therefore, to reconsider in light of the pandemic and how the economy will fair for our rural areas and look at continuing the welcome investment in these towers in Stornoway and Benbecula,


Yours sincerely,


Cllr Gordon Murray

Thursday, 27 August 2020

SNP Group say action is needed now to assist island communities

 Action must be taken now to assist island communities to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, say the SNP Group at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.

The Group successfully added five recommendations to the Council’s Corporate and Political Strategy at last week’s meeting of full council.

The recommendations put forward by the SNP Group included a full review of the Energy Strategy; a poverty needs assessment Post-Covid to direct future actions against poverty by December 2020; and a cost/benefit analysis on establishing research and development hubs in the Outer Hebrides.

Group Leader Cllr Gordon Murray said the Corporate Strategy could only be meaningful if the document was backed up by action.

He said: “A corporate strategy can only be a meaningful document if it is backed up by action. It is futile without commitment to its implementation.

"We now need to not only implement the corporate strategy but also measure its impact on the local economy. We need to ensure that the council enhances the local economy and does not shrink it with its actions."

"We want to encourage more and more employers to pay the Living Wage during this time. In-work poverty is a real concern and our recommendation for a poverty needs-assessment analysis by December 2020 will advise us on any direct intervention the council needs to take to prevent our people slipping into poverty."

"A new-normal is the new cliché but we have to look at different ways of working. It is great to see the council finally agree with our campaign for flexible working and our staff have really responded to working at home or in their locality. This will have a transformational effect on our communities and especially localism. "

"We want to see improved employment growth and by growing certain businesses we would like to see partnership working between the local college and businesses in reducing skill shortages. our Business Gateway has such an important role to play and the council needs to support them to ensure not only an increase in business start-ups but also improve the 3 year business survival rates."

"We would also like to see an increase in jobs in social enterprises and hope to see developments arising from crown estate monies and other initiatives."

"Our recommendation for a cost/benefit analysis on the potential for research and development / science hubs. In order to develop a dynamic competitive knowledge industry locally, the knowledge triangle (research, education and innovation) must be central to that strategy. This has the potential to improve the demographic balance of people by age in employment.

 “These additional recommendations when implemented will allow us to target resources in helping people who have been badly affected by the pandemic. It also allows us to review where we are in terms of our Energy resources and localism. 

“I am particularly pleased that the Comhairle agreed with the group on a costs/benefit analysis on research and development hubs which have great potential in bringing high-tech, highly paid jobs to the island and bringing millions into the local economy.

Monday, 24 August 2020

Council accept SNP recommendations on political prioirities

Comhairle nan Eilean SNP Group successfully added five recommendations to the council's political strategy at Friday's full council.

Monday, 17 August 2020

Primary question to be asked at full council regarding Comhairle actions on crofting

 The Comhairle convened on 3rd March 2020 agreed to suspend any ongoing action in respect of taking croft property into consideration when making financial assessments for care charges until such time as the Comhairle had considered its policy position. Notwithstanding the position presented to Councillors on 6th May 2020 this policy position to suspend ongoing action is still extant. Why therefore is Comhairle policy, as set by Councillors on 3rd March 2020 being disregarded when the Scottish Government has confirmed that each local authority must set its particular policy on this issue of taking property belonging to third parties into any computation of assets belonging to any persons in care.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Crofting and flexible working - thoughts on the future of crofting

Through the lockdown, people have had to reflect and review relationships, career and their place in society.

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Questions submitted for next full council on crofting

 1) Can you advise what Comhairle policy is with regard to croft tenancies as statutory conditions regulated private heritable tenancy agreements between individuals and their landlord?

2) Can you advise what Comhairle policy is with regard to the permanent improvements to land belonging to the landlord on land covered by the statutory servitude of crofting tenure whereby the permanent improvements belong to the landlord but are in heritable tenancy to the tenant?

3)Can you advise what Comhairle policy Is to crofter intestacy, bequest of croft, the confirmation of the Comhairle as executor whilst seeking to be the principal beneficiary, and regard given to or disregard to Court Ruling in matters of guardianship and power of attorney?

4) Can you advise what Comhairle policy Is whereby the statutory provisions of the Crofter (Scotland) Act 1993 as amended by the Crofting Reform etc Act 2007, the Crofting Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 and the Crofting (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2013 are used for the current practice of selling permanent improvements to croft land and taking monies for assignation of crofts?

5) Can you advise the number of permanent improvements that have been affected by this Comhairle per year since commencement of the current policy, and the amount of money ingathered by the Comhairle per year since the commencement of this current policy?

6) can you advise the number of cases currently operational concerning the Comhairle recovering monies from assignation of tenancies, selling off permanent improvements belonging to third parties, and, the cases where the Comhairle seeks to be appointed executor of legacies in cases of intestate estate of deceased crofters with a view to being beneficiary, and, the number of cases where the Comhairle is the Care Guardian and Financial Guardian?

Panic stations (or Don’t panic, don’t panic!)

 When Rishi Sunak announced £30 Billion in his emergency  Summer Statement, the Scottish Finance Secretary Kate Forbes immediately said that the consequentials for Scotland actually amounted to tens of millions not the “ hundreds of millions” (some said £800million) claimed by the Tories. She was immediately at the end of a barrage of accusations from the Scottish Tories,MPs, MSPs and supporters who even accused  her of being “ dishonest, failing to be open and factual when talking about our nations finances”.

One week later the Institute for Fiscal Studies ( IFS) confirmed that she had been right all along.
Then Boris arrived on Thursday for his flying visit, apparently in panic mode, to claim “that the Union has never been stronger”. ( With the polls showing the Yes support is now at 54%!).

Friday, 24 July 2020

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar SNP group react to resignation of Harris and South Lochs Councillor

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar SNP Group have expressed disappointment with the news that Cllr Finlay Cunningham, member for Harris and South Lochs has decided to step down from his role.

Saturday, 4 July 2020

SNP Group leader responds to West Highland Free Press

It has been brought to my attention that the SNP Comhairle Group has been criticised for working in the best interests of those communities they serve by scrutinising decisions of Comhairle and by seeking to change Comhairle policy.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Letter to the chair of education on impact assessments on budget choices

 Dear Angus, 

Firstly I hope you and your family are keeping well in these challenging times.

Letter to Convenor on suspension of Croft property for care charges

Dear Convenor,

Comhairle convened 3rd March 2020 approved “That Comhairle suspend any ongoing action in respect of taking croft property into consideration when making financial assessments for care charges until such time as the Comhairle has considered its policy position.”

Monday, 18 May 2020

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Appreciation for teachers

As the lockdown continues, the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar SNP Group would like to pay tribute to the teachers of the Western Isles.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Letter to the Convenor requesting clarification on Land in Tenure

Dear Convenor,

Comhairle on 6th May 2020 has Item 11 3.1.a) which notes the Agnew Opinion of 2nd April 2020. 

Comhairle Meeting Held Online during Lockdown

The Covid19 pandemic caused the recent Comhairle meeting to be held online. The current lockdown period of social distancing required Councillors to contribute on a decentralised basis from their homes using media technology.

Friday, 8 May 2020

Letter to chief executive - Threat to Croft and other Secure Tenancies!

Dear Chief Executive,


I was dismayed to learn from your Report to Council yesterday, 6 May 2020, of your decision to disregard Council’s decision of 3 March 2020 and remove the suspension of assessment on croft tenancies.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

statement by SNP Group on Crofting debate

The row over CnES charging for croft tenanted properties rages on with the council refusing to permit our amendment.

Friday, 1 May 2020

SNP Group push to prevent use of crofts for care home charges

The SNP Group at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar are ensuring the issue of using crofts for care home charges is top of the agenda at next week's first ever virtual meeting of the full council.

Monday, 27 April 2020

Letter to council leader on crofting

Dear Roddie,

I am writing to you to inform you know that we have concerns with Item 11 on the agenda.

Democracy ignored in crofting issue

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar SNP Group have reacted angrily at the council leader’s latest contribution in the ongoing debate regarding crofting and care charges.

Monday, 16 March 2020

Crofting correspondence sought

Last week’s decision by the Comhairle to back SNP Cllrs Donald Manford and Calum Macmillan in their amendment by nine votes to eight meant that the practice of forcing sale of croft houses and crofts for care would be suspended with a view to having a full-scale review of the policy.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

victory for crofting

At the special meeting last night (5th April 2020) , the Comhairle voted to cease taking croft houses of communities to pay for care.

Saturday, 29 February 2020

CNES SNP group reaction to council budget

Island households will face a rise in council tax and cuts to services despite the SNP Group at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar proposing an alternative plan.

Friday, 28 February 2020

Comhairle SNP group leader, Cllr Gordon Murray Budget speech

I would first of all like to thank all those who managed to help the SNP Group present this amendment today.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

SNP Group urge Councillors to back their budget plan

The SNP Group at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar are urging councillors to support their alternative budget plan which will prevent cuts to public services and avoid a sharp rise in council tax.

This week councillors are being asked to approve the budget for 20/21. The SNP Group's amendment will suggest utilising extra funds announced by the Scottish Government instead of putting it into balances.

SNP Group leader Cllr Gordon Murray said: “The SNP Group welcome the extra monies for local government announced by the Scottish Government.

Our plan is to put this money directly to services, along with a council tax freeze, money for Bethesda and dental services in South Uist. We are avoiding making any cuts to services and we strongly urge councillors to support us.

Why sit on large reserves of cash when services need to be protected by reinvestment?

I would urge councillors against adding this new money from the Scottish Government to reserves and use this money to help our most vulnerable and protect services.”

Monday, 24 February 2020

SNP councillors say no to council tax rise

No Council Tax rise, say SNP Councillors
Island residents should not face a Council Tax rise while it sits on large underspends say the SNP Group at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar who are making efforts this week to prevent the planned increase.
As part of the Budget Setting process at this week's meetings, Councillors are being asked to approve the proposal to increase Council Tax by nearly five percent.
The SNP Group say the Council Tax increase will cause financial pain to island families and instead they propose that the current level is retained for the 2020/21 financial year.
To meet the financial implications of retaining the current level, they propose that the Comhairle uses £3.1m of balances and £880,000 of reserves with the level of retained reserves being set at £2.62m.
SNP Group Leader Gordon Murray said: “we do not think it is right to ask families to pay more when the council have underspent their budgets and are sitting on large reserves.. “
The SNP Group are also proposing an additional £80,000 is made available to the Integration Joint Board (IJB) for the purpose of providing dental services at Sacred Heart Care Home, Daliburgh, South Uist. In the event that the IJB do not to agree to provide dental services at Daliburgh that the allocation be retained by the Comhairle.
In addition they are proposing that at additional £100,000 is made available to the IJB to provide funding support to Bethesda Hospice. If IJB do not agree to provide funding to Bethesda Hospice that the funding allocation be retained by the Comhairle.

Cllr Murray stated “These issues are hugely important to our communities and we wish to help these valuable services.

“I hope this amendment will get support from other councillors rather than hitting our communities with another maximum council tax rise which is unfair. Giving support in resources to  Bethesda hospice and dental services in South Uist is hugely important to the group and the communities across the islands.”

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Concerns about Bethesda continue

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar SNP Group have expressed frustration at the lack of urgency of the Integrated Joint Board to fund Bethesda Hospice what it needs. At present, the NHS Western Isles / Intergrated Joint Board are funding 25% of hospice costs when they should be funding 50% as per Scottish Government recommendations.

Friday, 24 January 2020

Letter to HIAL regarding ATC centralisation

Dear Mr Lyon,


It is with much disappointment to read of HIAL’s plans to centralize the Air Traffic Control services by using “remote” towers and also the downgrading of the services at Benebcula Airport.