Thursday, 6 December 2018

piping legend comes to Stornoway

STORNOWAY North councillor Gordon Murray praised the Lewis and Harris Piping Society  in arranging top piper Stuart Liddell to come and do a recital in Stornoway.

Cllr Murray said: “ Stuart Liddell is one of the best pipers in the world. With piping of such a high standard coming to Stornoway , the Lewis and Harris Piping Society has done extremely well bringing world-class musicians to Stornoway.

“He is also famous for his rendition of Thunderstruck, the AC/DC classic made famous on pipes originally by Gordon Duncan.

“This promises to be a great night of music for all the family.”

Friday 7th December at 8pm , £5 entry - free to under 18s Caladh Inn hotel