Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Putting the proposal to freeze the council tax into perspective

Comhairle SNP Group expressed disappointment at the lack of empathy for low paid workers by councillors when attacking the amendment by the group for a council tax freeze.

When told about the impact of a rise alongside increasing energy costs, rents and food prices where those in lowest paid work would be hardest hit, reactions from some councillors to suggest a freeze was that it was "illogical and irresponsible", "Populist posturing" "Blow our reserves" a "gimmick".

Such contributions led to one councillor requesting "Not to rub our face in the gutter."

SNP Group leader, Cllr Gordon Murray stated: " It is disappointing that councillors, who represent communities who will face difficulties would use such disrespectful language when elected members are putting the case forward to help those who will not be in receipt of benefits and are low paid."

To put the proposal in perspective, the following pie chart represents monies that have not been spent after all service budgets have been agreed. This money is not being used and the council tax freeze would have used a percentage of that:

Was it to much to ask to use a small percentage of unused monies of £6.2 million to alleviate pressures on working families who are on low pay.