Comhairle nan Eilean SNP Group have called for a council tax freeze for the year 2022-23 and have tabled an amendment to the budget setting meetings next week.
Group leader, Cllr Gordon Murray stated: "We are living in very challenging times where the cost of living is increasing and household budgets are under pressure like never before. By freezing the council tax, the Comhairle would be sending the right message to households across the islands that we understand the difficulties for everyone at this time and we are not going to increase the burden,"
"I think this is the right thing to do and I would urge support from all councillors to see the reasoning behind this amendment and vote for the freeze alongside the SNP Group."
The amendment is:
that the Comhairle wishes to fully support council tax payers who are facing unprecedented and rapidly increasing energy costs, food prices escalating at a rate of up to 10% a year, increasing mortgage and rental bills and, particularly recognising and empathising with those whose lives are being massively disrupted and with too many people being forced to make the hideous choice of whether to heat or eat, declares its wish to offer all the help it can and as part of that help freezes the council tax levels for 2022-23 at the 2021-22 level funded from balances