Monday, 21 February 2022

SNP / Alba councillors put forward Uist and Barra focused amendment

Budget Amendment

Proposed by Calum Macmillan (Alba), seconded by Donald Manford (SNP)

Amendment to the Budget and Council Tax Setting 2022/23 Report:

1)    1)  That the Comhairle make a ring-fenced contribution from reserves of £10,000 to the IJB Budget to bring the dental chairs in Tigh Criodh Uile Naoibh into operation to enable the best dental care possible for care home residents by utilising the already purchased dental chairs in the Care Home with such funding only to be available for this purpose and otherwise reverting to the Comhairle.

2)      2) That the council reinstates the national concessionary fare scheme for the Sounds of Barra and Harris to enable the elderly to access services throughout the Western Isles for 2022/23 funded from reserves; and

3)      3) that the Comhairle fully supports the crofting communities throughout the Western Isles and to show that support in a meaningful and real way, by allocating £15,000 from reserves to enable the abattoirs in Uist and Barra to continue providing their essential service for 2022/23.