I think since I joined the council two years ago, I had not seen such shocking statistics as I did today when a summary of the Western Isles Fuel Poverty survey was presented to the Environment and Protective Services Committee to which I am a member.
71% of households in the Outer Hebrides spend 10% of their income on fuel compared to the Scottish average of 10%
18% of households in the Outer Hebrides are classed as being in severe fuel poverty
11% of households in the Outer Hebrides are classed as being in extreme fuel poverty
"the fuel poverty is the worst in Western Europe"
If you contrast that with the Comhairle's new Energy Strategy which is still in draft, it states
"the Outer Hebrides is in the fortunate position of being home to some of the best renewable energy resources on the planet."
I made the point at committee that surely we should be looking at local Energy supply and consumption as we wait for the radial interconnector.
I find it ironic that we are pushing for more powers in Our Islands Our Future but seem to be unable to manage our huge renewable energy resources ourselves and address our shocking fuel poverty statistics!
Councillor Gordon Murray